The teaching
We believe that God is one and the creator of the universe. God is manifested in three persons: the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Gen. 1, 1; 1, 26; Matt. 3, 16-17, 28, 19)
We believe that all people are created in the image of God and meant to live in an intimate
realtionship with Him.
(Gen. 1, 27; Ps. 25, 14; James, 4, 8; John. 17, 3)
We believe that the entire Bible is the word of God and is inspired by God. The word of God is the
highest authority of the Christian and shows God’s plans for man.
(2. Tim. 3, 16; 2. Pet. 1, 21)
We believe that Jesus died on the cross and gave His life to save all mankind from sin and lead it
back to God. We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and placed Him on His right side.
(John 19, 28-33; Eph. 2, 13-14; Col. 2, 13-15; John 3, 16; Heb. 1, 3.)
We believe that people are saved and healed with faith in Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross. In repentence and faith we receive the grace of God. Those who reject Jesus are lost.
(Rom. 5, 1-2; 10, 9-10; John 1, 12; 3, 36; Acts 4, 17-26; Eph. 2, 8-9; 1. Pet. 2, 24)
We believe that all believers are to grow and be more like Jesus. God has made all believers holy
when they were reborn and they are supposed to lead lives characterised by holiness.
(Eph. 4, 11-15; 1. Pet. 1, 2; 2, 1-5; 1. Tess. 4, 3-8; Tit. 2, 11-14)
We believe that the fullness and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all believers. Gifts (often
referred to as gifts of faith) are given to the believers by the Holy Spirit to strengthen the
congregation and to further God’s will on earth.
(Acts 1, 8; Acts 10, 44-46, Acts 2, 1-4; Acts 19, 1-7; 1. Cor. 1,7; 12, 7-11; 14, 1; Rom. 12, 6)
We believe that the congregation is th body of Christ and is called to preach the gospel to all and to make disciples of all nations and to further His will and works on earth. All those who have been
born again are part of the congregation of God. We believe that true unity is supposed to
charatcerise all the people of God.
(Matt. 28, 18-20; Mark 16, 15-20; Rom. 12, 4-5; 1. Cor. 12, 12-14; Eph. 1, 22-23; John 17, 21-23)
We believe that the believers frequently have to break bread as a reminder of what Jesus did on the cross. This is a powerful proclamation of Jesus’ victory over death, sin, sickness and slavery.
(Luke. 22, 17-20; 1. Cor. 11, 23-34; Acts 2, 42)
We believe that baptism by water is a symbol of a believer who has become one with the death and resurrection of Jesus. The baptism is a sign of a true life of discipleship and a testimony of the faith in Christ.
(Matt. 28, 19; 1. Pet. 3, 21; Romans 6, 4-11)
We believe that Jesus is coming back to take everyone who believes in Him to heaven.
(Matt. 24, 29-51; Acts 1, 11; 1. Cor. 15, 51-58; 1. John 3, 2)