About Keldan
The charismatic awakening spread around the Faroe Islands in the 1970s and 1980s.
When services held in a tent on Gøtueiði drew to a close, some people decided to buy a house in Skálafirði, which was supposed to be the service place for the charismatic movement which had emerged in Eysturoy. Keldan started its ministry in 1987.
Some of the leaders in this awakening formed a council of elders, which started to organise regular services.
The way the services are held has changed over time. In the beginning the elders took turns to organise the service and the Lord worked with his Holy Spirit. It soon became clear that there was a need for a leader in Keldan. The members of the congregation were asked to pray that the Lord would call people to take over and lead the ministry. Some were asked and encouraged to take on the assignment of leading the congregation but it took some time until the leader was appointed.
In 1997 Pauli and Jastrid Høj were appointed leaders after feeling called by the Lord for this ministry.
Since the leader of the church was appointed the structure of the church has changed a bit.
Today the emphasis is on being a local congregation where each individual member is a member of the body of Christ and feels responsibility towards the congregration.
In the course of time the church has grown substantially and the unity and sense of togetherness have become stronger. The congregation is based on its own visions and is an independent and strong local congregation with varied activities for all age groups.
The vision that Keldan was to become a spiritual centre in the Faroes is not new. This vision started to take shape when work on the new building for the congregation started.
The new service hall which was taken into use in 2004 has more than 800 seats and modern facilities that are required in a service and concert hall of this kind. In the building there is a big diner, a big kitchen and several class rooms. There is also a hall for children seating 150 people.
For some years now work has been done on a vision of a Christian school in Keldan. The vision was manifested in 2010 and the private Christian school Keldan was established. In addition to the school there is also an after school centre and a preschool class.
The independent churches in the Faroes are well known and have many people attending the services. The way we practise our faith is the same as in many other places around the world. The socalled charismatic movement, which we are a part of, numbers 600 million people and is the fastest growing movement today.
As an evangelical independent church we base our activities and our teachings on the classical creed. Keldan is independent and not formally a part of any particular denomination. Keldan has an open and interdenominational mindset and cooperates with other congregations and churches to further the work of God on earth. We believe in the gospel about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ which has been the basis for all Christians at all times.
You are welcome to contact us if you would like additional information or perhaps you would like to attend our services, if you are visiting the Faroe Islands – we are able to offer translation whenever required.
The address is:
The Church Keldan
Skálafjarðavegur 26
FO–485 Skálafirði
Tlf.: +298 442 500
E-mail: keldan@keldan.fo