Our purpose
Our purpose is to reach people with the gospel about Jesus Christ and His power, so that people are saved, set free, healed and equipped to serve the Lord and become disciples of Jesus.
(Matt 28, 18-20; Mark 16, 15-18, Rom. 15, 18-19; Eph. 4, 11-15)
We want to be a spiritual home where people receive the word of God and are allowed to serve so
that they grow and become stronger in soul and spirit.
(1. Pet. 5, 2-3; 2. Cor. 11, 28; 1. Cor. 4, 15; Eph. 4, 11-15; Acts 2, 42)
Our vision
Our vision is that Keldan is to be a spiritual centre for the entire country and that people from all
over the country are to experience the spirit of revival in Keldan.
Our vision is that Keldan is to be source of power from God that flows out to the entire country so
that the nation and its people are transformed.